Marketing and Professional Sales Major

Department of Marketing

Marketing and Professional Sales Major Requirements (27 credits)

Required Grades and GPA

Major GPA of 2.0 – GPA includes all courses counting toward the Marketing and Professional Sales major.

Other Policies

Students majoring in Marketing and Professional Sales must earn a C or higher in BUS-M 370/M304 (Marketing component of I-Core) to continue as a Marketing and Professional Sales major.


Marketing and Professional Sales course descriptions can be viewed here.

Required Courses (18 credits):

  • BUS-M 303: Marketing Research (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
  • BUS-M 330: Consultative Selling (3 credits) P: Must be a current student in the Kelley School of Business
  • BUS-M 344: Creativity and Communication (3 credits) P: (BUS-C 104 or BUS-C 106) and (BUS-C 204 or BUS-C 205) with a grade of C or higher.
  • BUS-M 346: Analysis of Marketing Data (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
  • BUS-M 426: Sales Management (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304, with a grade of C.
  • BUS-M 450: Marketing Strategy (3 credits) P: BUS-M 303 and BUS-M 346

Elective Courses (9 credits required): 3 credits from Group A and 6 credits from Group B

Group A--Professional Sales Elective (3 credits required):

  • BUS-M 407: Business-to-Business Marketing (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
  • BUS-M 436: Advanced Professional Sales Practicum (3 credits) P: BUS-M 330
  • BUS-Z 404: Effective Negotiations (3 credits) P: BUS-Z 370 or BUS-J 304 with a grade of C or higher

Group B--Marketing Elective (6 credits required):

  • BUS-M 295: Marketing in our World Today (3 credits) P: Admission to the Kelley School of Business; must be completed prior to I-Core
    • Students interested in this elective must complete it before I-Core.
    • This course replaces BUS-M 255: TOPIC: Marketing in Our World Today (3 credits).
  • BUS-M 310: Brand Management Practicum (3 credits) P: Application/department permission
    • See class notes for link to application.
    • Previous course number: BUS-M 355: Topics in Marketing: Brand Management Practicum
  • BUS-M 339: Retail Marketing Analytics (3 credits) P: Must be a current Kelley School of Business and a declared Marketing or Marketing & Professional Sales major.
  • BUS-M 390: Marketing Topics Abroad (1 - 5 credits) P: Varies by program
    • Students can count one course and/or up to 3 credits (whichever is in the student's best interest) of BUS-M 390 toward the Marketing/Professional Sales major.
  • BUS-M 401: International Marketing (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
  • BUS-M 405: Consumer Behavior (3 credits) P: Must be a current Kelley School of Business major
  • BUS-M 415: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
  • BUS-M 419: Retail Strategy (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370/304 (I-Core) with grade of C or higher.
  • BUS-M 422: New Product Management (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
  • BUS-M 429: Legal Aspects of Marketing (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with a grade of C or higher
  • BUS-M 431: Brand Management (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
  • BUS-M 432: Digital Marketing (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
    • Cannot double count as Digital & Social Media Business Applications co-major requirement 
  • BUS-M 455: TOPIC: Consumer Research Practicum (3 credits) P: Application & instructor consent
    • Contact instructor for application information.
  • BUS-M 455: TOPIC: Pricing (3 credits) P: Must be a Kelley School of Business student
  • BUS-M 470: Content Marketing Practicum (3 credits) P: BUS-M 370 or BUS-M 304 with grade of C or higher
    • Previous course number: BUS-M 455: Topics in Marketing: Creating Digital Content Practicum